Michelle Salas
I’m Michelle Salas, homeschooling mom to 3 boys, ages 9, 8 and 3 years old,
and a Spanish and science teacher at STAC. I was born in Mexico and lived in
and near Mexico City for 25 years. I moved to the US in 2007, and I’ve lived in
Ca, NY, NV and Tx. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry from
“Universidad Tecnológica de México”, and I practiced dentistry until moving to
the US. I’ve also worked as a volunteer paramedic for the Red Cross, and after
moving to GA in 2013, I opened a custom cake studio, where I learned about
social media marketing and management skills.
As a family we enjoy hiking, walk around the neighborhood on nice evenings,
read aloud time and ice cream.
Parenthood has been an incredible journey full of self discovery and evolution.