how to join

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!

Fill out the registration form here
Registration fee is $145 per family per year.

Contact us if you have any questions about registration

Play! Create! Learn! Every Friday  from 1:00PM -3PM

A Friday afternoon program for the community.

Coordinators: Mel Williams & Libby Mathis

Email questions to:

To sign up: PCL Sign up

Every Friday  from 1:00PM - 3PM

Suggested ages: Everyone welcome!

Cost: $80 per family, Cash only


Our goal is to cultivate a relaxed atmosphere where parents and children can come together to create community. Be prepared to engage with all ages, contribute ideas for activities and most of all to have fun!!  

Mel and Libby will facilitate some of the activities but will not be acting as supervision for the children. Parents (and children) are expected to follow the general supervision policy that you sign when you join STAC.